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Why I Called For Arrest Of Ado Bayero – Gov Yusuf

(AFRICAN EXAMINER) – Governor Abba Yusuf has opened up on why he called for the arrest of the deposed Emir of Kano, Aminu Bayero.

It is worth recalling that the Governor Yusuf ordered for the arrest of the monarch as he was causing unrest in the state. However, the court awarded Bayero N10 million in damages.

The governor’s spokesman, Sunusi Bature, stated that Yusuf called for Bayero’s arrest because the deposed monarch came back to reclaim the palace just two days after his dethronement.

Bature’s remarks come on the heels of the article titled ‘A Rendezvous with Recklessness and Executive Rascality’ by Bala Ibrahim.

The article had slammed the Kano State governor for his nonchalant behaviour which prompted Bature to provide a counterpoint.

Recently, the Federal High Court in Kano ordered that the state government must compensate Bayero with ₦10 million for breaching  his fundamental rights, including personal liberty and freedom of movement.

Justice Simon Amobeda, referencing Sections 35(1) and 41(1) of the 1999 Constitution, ordered that Yusuf’s order for Bayero’s arrest was not legal and it made Bayero go into house arrest out of fear.

According to The Nation, Bature said, “This is the wish of the people of Kano state.

“The reappointment of Emir Muhammadu Sanusi II did not also come to anyone as a surprise because his dethronement and consequent banishment by Abdullahi Ganduje and his co-travellers was done out of malice.

“Now, calling for the arrest of dethroned Emir Aminu Bayero was only done for the public good, as his entrance into Kano shortly after his dethronement posed a serious security threat, which is being managed up to today.”


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