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Tragedy As 6 Teenagers Drown in Kaduna River After Junior WAEC

(AFRICAN EXAMINER) – Six teenagers on Tuesday evening drowned in the Mbang river in Ribang (Mbang) village, Kauru Local Government Area, Kaduna State, as they were returning from a Junior WAEC exam at about 5:30 p.m.

The victims re Manasseh Monday (16 yrs), Musa John (16 yrs), Pius David (15 yrs), Monday Ayuba (16 yrs), David Danlami (19 yrs), and Yahuza Audu (16 yrs) and they were all students of Government Secondary School Fadan Chawai writing the West African Junior School Examination.

The National Public Relations Officer of Ribang Development Association, Pastor Simon Ishaku, while speaking to The PUNCH Online on telephone on Wednesday, disclosed that the three dead bodies have already been recovered and buried.

According to him, there are still three persons who are missing as those who are searching are yet to find them or see them in the river.

He said: “The school children left their homes full of hope and excitement while their parents went to the farm with the hope of reuniting with them after writing their papers of the day, only to meet their untimely death.

“The Mbang river has been a death trap for our people over the years, noting before the community can access any school or any hospital facility they’ve to travel for about 8 kilometres.

“We’re calling on the Federal Government, Governor Uba Sani, Senator Sunday Katung and our House of Representative members as a matter of urgency, to kindly assist us with school, hospital, access road and bridge in order to bring succour to our community.”

The Kaduna State police are yet to speak concerning the matter.



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