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Top Official Of HGN Expresses Concern Over Nigeria’s Insecurity

(AFRICAN EXAMINER) – An Assistant Commander General (ACG) of Hunters Group of Nigeria (HGN), Ambassador (Dr) Augustine Nwangwu, has expressed concern over the current alarming spate of insecurity in parts of Nigeria, declaring that if not tackled, may spell doom for the nation. 

He, however, urged Perpetrators of all forms of criminalities such as kidnapping, banditry, armed robbery among others in parts of Nigeria, and South East region to desist from them, calling on the citizens to cooperate with security forces in tackling the ugly trend.

The Security expert stated that Nigerian citizens also have great roles to play in addressing the ugly development.

According to him: “the present situation is something that should be giving every Nigerian serious worry and concern, as no one is speared under the present ugly trend which has thrown the entire nation into serious “apprehension and tension.”

Nwangwu, who is the incumbent ACG, in- charge of bush burning/Forest in Nigeria, spoke with newsmen yesterday in Enugu shortly after receiving an award of Excellence, tagged: “Giant Stride Achievers Award” bestowed on him by an Abuja based outfit, Soul Media Communications limited.

He said “time has come for our people irrespective of ethnic nationality to join hands together to say know to the current situation, knowing fully well that it poses a great danger to the entire nation.

The truth is that “as a people, we must have at the back of our minds that security is every ones business hence, the need for all of us to join hands with relevant security agencies to tackle the menace currently facing us as a nation.

“As it stands today, no one can predict what will happen to him in the next minute. And that is why I am saying it is time for everyone to come together in tackling this terrible situation.

He said HGN if legally empowered, has the capacity to compliment efforts of the security agencies in tackling the internal security challenges confronting the nation which is currently threatening the peaceful coexistence and the unity of the Nigerian entity.

Ambassador Nwangwu, expressed appreciation to the organization for the honour done him, stressing that the recognition will spur him to continue to do more for the society and mankind, especially in the area of philanthropy through his nongovernmental organization, Hope of Glory Empowerment Foundation.

In his speech, the Managing Director/Chief Executive officer of Soul Media Communications, Mr. Onovo Davids, explained that the award recipient was honoured based on his service to the society, in the area of security and Philanthropic gesture.

He noted that Ambassador Nwangwu, has contributed immensely to the society, especially in Enugu state, and South East Nigeria via the Hunters Group platform where he once served as zonal Acting commander.

According to him, the South East arm of HGN, when it was under the watch of Nwangwu, really lived up to its responsibilities in both rapid response and proactiveness in combatting criminalities within the region.

“As the Eastern Region Commander of Hunters Group of Nigeria, Ambassador Nwangwu made tremendous impact within the region as the activities if criminals and Community invaders were reduced to the greatest minimal.

He added: “this award is being conferred on Ambassador (Dr) Augustine Nwangwu, today on merit and in recognition of his immense contribution and support to human resources development and nation building” adding that the award is to spur him to do more for humanity.”


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