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Sagna, Lampard add Incredible Depth to Manchester City Squad

Lampard and Bacary Sagna have added the depth to field two full teams of top-notch players to Manchester City’s squad.

Both Lampard and fellow new signing Sagna felt moved to point out they have joined a squad that is not only as strong as any in recent Premier League history, but arguably as powerful as any in Europe.

Former Arsenal stalwart Sagna, offering his first interview since completing his move on a big-money free agent contract, spelt out just how strong the group he has joined will be when he said with almost an awed appreciation:

“I know I will have to work hard just to get in this team, because we have great players challenging for every single position.

“I believe the team is one of the best in Europe and we can go forward and challenge in the Premier League and the Champions League. There is a very powerful squad.”

The fact that Lampard’s six months on loan from MLS club New York City will probably see him in a bit-part role tells you all there is to know about the depth of the City squad.

In the past two seasons they have quietly gone about the business of transforming the playing staff, removing disruptive elements such as Mario Balotelli and Carlos Tevez, while ruthlessly cutting away some of the dead wood that cluttered the training ground.

It has left a squad leaner and hungrier than ever – and one that, with a move for Porto centre-half Eliaquim Mangala set to go through in the next 48 hours – has at least two top-class internationals for every position.

Lampard sounded impressed by his opportunity, saying: “I am really excited about the experience. This is a new chapter, and joining up with Manchester City is a fantastic opportunity for me to continue to train and play at the top level.”

“It has been an amazing few days for me since the unveiling in Brooklyn and everyone connected with both clubs has been fantastic to me.

“I met Manuel Pellegrini and some of the players in New York and I’m looking forward to getting into training and making a contribution for Manchester City ahead of my move over to New York.”Lampard added.