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Humanitarian Affairs Minister Wants Collaboration To Support Displaced Nigerians

(AFRICAN EXAMINER) – The minister of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Reduction, Nentawe Yilwatda, has asked for partnership between government agencies, international organisations, and non-governmental organisations to look into the issue of Nigeria’s 3.2 million Internally Displaced Persons.

Yilwatda stated this at the 47th Lions Day with United Nations celebration in Abuja on Thursday, as he spoke on the importance for sustainable solutions that will  provide both food security and financial independence for displaced communities.

He said: “We have 3.2 million people who are displaced. They are not in their homes. They are not on their lands.

“We need to provide good solutions for them—support systems that can sustain their lives and give them new hope.”

The minister also talked about the plans or efforts of the ministry in Benue State, to provide food as 7,000 hectares of land have been cultivated for displaced persons.

He added: “They sell that rice not because they want to, but because they are in desperate conditions.”


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