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Desperate Syrian Migrants Result To Long Trek From Hungary To Austrian Border

Thousands of migrants who have stuck at a Budapest railway station for some days have resulted to trekking, vowing the walk will be terminated at the Austrian border.

This is amidst the Hungarian authority’s effort to contain the desperate migrants from accessing the Western Europe.

Alongside drive by the European Union states to agree on a common strategy to deal with the influx, the Hungarian, Czech, Slovakian and Polish Prime Ministers have rejected quotas for EU nations.

In a statement issued by EU, the leaders have rejected “any proposal leading to introduction of mandatory and permanent quota for solidarity measures”.

While the chaotic scenes and commotion in Hungary, which is the main transiting country into the Germany and Western Europe persist, some of the desperate migrants who had been waiting for days at Budapest’s Keleti station are depressed and frustrated, as international trains fail to arrive, a situation that prompted the ongoing long walking distance of 180km to Austria.

On a motorway of about 20km, a large number of migrants, some pushing wheelchairs and buggies, were seen walking down the hard shoulder of the main motorway from the Hungarian capital to Vienna.

Some of the migrants clutched in their hands photographs of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, chanting and vowing: “We won’t stop. Our target is to Germany, to our mum, to Merkel.”


Short URL: https://www.africanexaminer.com/?p=25444

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