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CP Orders Probe Into Death Of Suspect In Police Custody

(AFRICAN EXAMINER) – Commissioner of Police in Bayelsa, Mr Echeng Echeng, has ordered an investigation into the death of a 27-year-old robbery suspect, Goodluck Oviekeme, while in police custody.

Police spokesman in Bayelsa, SP Asinmi Butswait, said in a statement issued in Yenagoa on Saturday that preliminary investigation showed that the deceased was the mastermind of an attack on a police patrol team.

The deceased was arrested in connection with an alleged armed robbery incident that occurred on Tuesday, Sept. 21at Biogbolo, Yenagoa.

Some hoodlums were said to have attacked a police patrol team and reportedly   injured one Insp Ugbotor Sunday and carted away his rifle.

“ Oviekeme was arrested on Wednesday, Sept. 22 at about 3 a.m. and while in police custody; he was observed to be running high temperature and was rushed to the hospital where he eventually died.

“The Commissioner of Police condoles with the family of the deceased and assures the general public that investigation had begun and the outcome would be made public,’’ SP Butswait stated.

He added that CP Echeng directed that an autopsy be conducted on the remains of the deceased to determine the cause of his death.


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