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Nigeria’s Sports Finest Hour – The XXII Commonwealth Games, Birmingham 2022

By Akintokunbo A Adejumo (akinadejum@aol.com) (AFRICAN EXAMINER) – For Nigeria, the year 2022 should be dedicated to Nigerian Athletes, men, and women alike. Their feat and prowess, first, a bit of success in the World Athletics Champions held in Eugene, Oregon, USA (15 Jul 2022 – 24 Jul 2022) and then the spectacular successes at […]

[OPINION] Nigerians’ Entitlement Mentality And Sense Of Belonging

[OPINION] The People Are the Governments!

[OPINION] Why Is Everybody Stealing In Nigeria?

By Akintokunbo A Adejumo (akinadejum@aol.com) “Why is everybody stealing in Nigeria? Please, why the stealing? Here, in our country, stealing seems like an act of worship, that if you didn’t steal, you might lose the eternal bliss. Therefore, everybody strives to steal, irrespective of its implication on the populace. In Nigeria, there’s pride in stealing! […]

A Fair Ode To Senator Buruji Kashamu

[OPINION] Of University of Ìbàdàn Vice-Chancellorship and Ìbàdàn Agitation

Akintokunbo A Adejumo (akinadejum@aol.com) (AFRICAN EXAMINER) – I’m a proud Ìbàdàn man; I have a village and an “agbo’le” in the heart of Ìbàdàn, and my late father holds a chieftaincy title from the great city of Ìbàdàn. I’m also a proud University of Ìbàdàn graduate. I passed my four years in the university with […]

[OPINION] The Problem Of Nigeria Is Not Corruption. It Is Unpunished Corruption!

[OPINION] We Always Mean Well for the Country, But NOT for the People!

By Akintokunbo A Adejumo – (akinadejum@aol.com) (AFRICAN EXAMINER) – Please, let’s get something right. There’s no leader who has ever ruled Nigeria that has ever meant bad or evil for Nigeria. None!!! They have always meant well for the country. But for the people? That is a subject for thought and deep consideration. It is […]

OPINION: An Aberrant Democracy

Akintokunbo A Adejumo (akinadejum@aol.com) What exactly is democracy? Democracy (Greek: δημοκρατία dēmokratía, literally “rule by people”) is a system of government where the citizens exercise power by voting…In a representative democracy the citizens elect representatives from among themselves. These representatives meet to form a governing body, such as a legislature. What is the best definition […]

OPINION: The Development Of A Society Is Not For Charlatans

OPINION: Corruption A La Carte

OPINION: A Nigerian Diamond is NOT Forever, By Akintokunbo Adejumo

OPINION | Much Ado About a Certificate?

Picture Caption: Chairman Senate Committee on FCT, Senator Dino Melaye By Akintokunbo A Adejumo, akinadejum@aol.com I have written many times on a singularity, or perhaps we should call it a genetic aberration or bane of development and progress in our dear country – it is the inability to find the Truth; nobody speaks the Truth; […]

OPINION: Education Ain’t Cheap!

Random Thoughts:  Fighting Corruption with Corruption

Akintokunbo A Adejumo, akinadejum@aol.com BALTIMORE, MD (AFRICAN EXAMINER) – I have been musing over the conundrum above for a very long time, even before this new dispensation of the sincere and stern President Buhari, and I can’t get it off my mind, the possibility, that is. Corruption is defined nowadays simply as “The abuse of […]

Termination: Transcorp Hilton Ex-Staff Makes U-Turn, Commends Management

An ex-staff of Transcorp Hilton Hotel, Mohammed Khalid Yakubu, who last Wednesday accused the Management of the hotel of wrongful termination of his appointment based on his political affiliation, has withdrawn the accusation. Yakubu has, instead, commended the Management of the hotel for the steps taken to address his issue, saying he has discovered that […]

A Virulent Form Of Absurdity: When Society And Politics Go Insane By Akintokunbo A Adejumo

From Execu-thieves to Law-breakers: A Tale of Greed, Egotism and Corruption

Akintokunbo A Adejumo It always comes down to this. How selfish, greedy and insensitive can some of these our rulers be? They are parasites feeding fat on the blood of the people, causing untold miseries and are like malignant tumours that just will not go away. Eight years as a governor of an oil-rich state, […]

All Loot and No Work Makes Me a Rich Man

An Evening With Senator (Mrs) Oluremi Tinubu

Zenith bank





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