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ADF Approves Over $10m To Boost Electricity Access In Côte d’Ivoire

(AFRICAN EXAMINER) – African Development Fund (ADF), the concessional financing window of the African Development Bank Group has approved $10.53 million in financial support to Côte d’Ivoire for the implementation of its rural electrification programme.

Established in 1972, the ADF became operational in 1974. Administered by the AfDB, it comprises, till date, 32 contributing countries and benefits 37 countries.

The funds comprise a $ 8.26 million loan and a $ 2.27 million grant and will be disbursed to the Ivorian government, will be used to connect 739 rural localities to clean, affordable electricity as part of the government’s “Electricity for All Program”.

The project will facilitate domestic electrical installations and connect about 71,660 households (15% of them managed by women) to the electricity grid. It will also electrify 7,168 business centres (health centres, schools, women farmers’ organisations and artisans.

As part of logistical support to 100 women’s’ groups operating in the project area, the procurement of environmentally friendly electrical manufacturing equipment, as required, will be made for their benefit. In addition, the project will facilitate internships for young girls and boys who have completed vocational training centres and schools in these localities, to facilitate their integration into the workplace.

African Development Bank’s Director General for West Africa, Marie-Laure Akin-Olugbade said the project will have multiple economic impacts on the national economy at the financial and socio-economic levels.

“The reduction in energy expenditure, particularly for household lighting following connection to the electricity grid, will be a significant outcome”, she said.

Notably, the 739 beneficiary communities of the project are located in the western district of Montages, two northern districts – Savanes and Woroba, and Zanzan in the north-east.

The direct beneficiaries of the project will be the Ivorian government, Côte d’Ivoire Energies, the Ivorian Electricity Company (CIE) and thousands of households that will be connected to the electricity grid. Vocational centres, schools, training centres, health centres, craft workshops and women’s professional groups will also benefit with electricity access for their activities.

An estimated 500,000 people living in the project’s impact area, according to a June 2022 estimate, will benefit indirectly from the project’s creation of improved essential social services.

Short URL: https://www.africanexaminer.com/?p=81720

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